Two Timely Grants to Advance Your Fleet and Infrastructure Needs

Currently there are two incredible opportunities to secure funding to advanced electrificiation within your fleet and build the alternative fuel infrastructure you’ve been needing to.

EPA Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program

The Inflation Reduction Act invests $1 billion to replace existing non-zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission vehicles, support zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, and to train and develop workers.

The EPA’s most recent Notice of Funding Opportunity, offers up to $932 million in funding for eligible clean heavy-duty vehicles.

This program is a one-time program, it will not be offered year after year the way some EPA programs are, so do not miss this opportunity.

The vehicles that qualify are Class 6 or 7 heavy-duty vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) between 19,501lbs to 33,000lbs. They have a minimum requirement of 3 vehicles per application. I think the minimum can be limiting for smaller, rural communities but there is an opportunity to join forces with another community to aggregate the number of vehicles. 

I’m attaching slides from a webinar I hosted last month and some more resources below:

The application deadline is 11:59PM (ET) on July 25, 2024. The EPA anticipates notifying selectees by November 2024 and awarding the grants by February 2025.

DOT Community Fueling and Infrastructure Program

The U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA has announced $800 million available to fund new CFI applications (Round 2). Applications due August 28th.

Up to $521 million will fund applications previously submitted but not selected under CFI Round 1. (Applications were due July 1st, two applicants resubmitted from our region, we’ll keep you all updated if awarded, fingers crossed.)

This funding opportunity consists of two program areas outlined below:

Community Program

Funds projects to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, hydrogen fueling infrastructure, propane fueling infrastructure, and natural gas fueling infrastructure located on public roads or in other publicly accessible locations.

Corridor Program

Funds projects to strategically deploy charging and alternative fueling infrastructure located along designated alternative fuel corridors.

We regularly meet with our stakeholder to plan for alternative fuel and infrstructure, these current funding opportunities allow folks to ACT on those plans. Don’t miss out on these opportunities. Please reach out to if you want any support on this grant.

Wyoming DEQ Volkswagen Funding

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is now accepting grant proposals for emissions reduction projects across the state.

Proposed projects must involve methods to mitigate nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from vehicles listed within the eligible mitigation actions established in DEQ’s Volkswagen (VW) Mitigation Plan.

More detailed information about eligible mitigation actions can be found in DEQ’s mitigation plan, which is available at

DEQ will fund accepted grant proposals from $1,000,000 of funding provided through the Volkswagen Settlement Funds.

In 2019, DEQ awarded over $500,000 VW Settlement funds to Grand Teton National Park, Western Wyoming Beverages, the Jackson Hole Airport, and Sublette County School District #1. YTCC supported both Jackson Hole Airport and Grand Teton National Park on their applications.

This is an open and competitive process. Applicants must submit their proposals to DEQ no later than 5:00 p.m. January 31, 2024, to be considered. Project applicants will be scored on a numeric, 70-point scale. Points will be awarded based on how well applicants demonstrate that their project meets the criteria specified in the DEQ VW Mitigation Plan, as well as the level of detail included in the applicant’s responses to application questions. All project applicants will receive fair and equal consideration.

The following criteria will be used in selection and ranking of proposals

  1. Greatest NOX emissions reductions.
  2. Cost benefit – Projects that achieve the highest emission reductions at the lowest cost.
  3. Potential for achieving measurable NOX emission reductions in nonattainment areas.
  4. NOX Emission reduction benefits to areas of greater population density.
  5. NOX Emission reduction benefits to sensitive populations, such as children and the elderly.

Projects Eligible for VW Settlement funds:

  1. Class 8 Local Freight Trucks (Eligible Large Trucks)
  2. Class 4-8 School Bus, Shuttle Bus, or Transit Bus (Eligible Buses)
  3. Class 4-7 Local Freight Trucks (Medium Trucks)
  4. Airport Ground Support Equipment

Please reach out to if you would like to discuss a project.

Apply for the grant HERE.

YTCC hosted an informational webinar with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, you can find the recording HERE.

Clean School Buses are a Win-Win for Our Region

The Opportunity

Clean school buses reduce emissions by 90-100%. The US EPA Clean School Bus Program, provides $5 billion over the next five years (through FY 26) to replace existing school buses with electric, propane, and compressed natural gas. The state of Wyoming has DERA and VW Funding programs to support the purchase of alternative fuel and newer diesel buses. The state of Montana also has DERA funding available to support the purchase of clean school buses.

The US EPA Clean School Bus Program application deadline was just extended to February 14th!


Our children’s health, the health of the planet and to be fiscally responsible.

  • Emissions from diesel school buses produce 4-12x worse air quality than ambient air. Children are particularly susceptible to negative health impacts of diesel emissions, which include asthma, cancer, and other respiratory illnesses. (1)
  • The electricity to power electric school buses produces half the annual greenhouse gas emissions compared to compressed natural gas, propane, diesel, and biodiesel fuels.
  • An alternative fuel or electric school bus can reduce annual fuel costs by $12,000 annually and lifetime savings range from ~$150,000-$380,000 per bus depending on the fuel.

(1) Chen Z, Salam MT, Eckel SP, et al.. Chronic effects of air pollution on respiratory health in Southern California children: findings from the Southern California Children’s Health Study. J Thorac Dis 2015;7:46–58

(2) Assumptions: Five fuels for school buses: electric, compressed natural gas, propane, diesel, and biodiesel. Utilizing various electricity mixes for electric school buses and North American natural gas for compressed natural gas. 15,000 miles per bus per year.

Cost Savings

There are currently numerous funding sources to support the purchase of Clean School Buses in addition to the necessary charging stations needed if electric school buses are selected. The funding sources can cover nearly the entire cost of an electric bus and a significant portion of propane and CNG buses. The fuel costs of electricity, propane, and CNG are also significantly less than gasoline and diesel. The combination of the reduced upfront cost of the bus in addition to fuel cost savings provides a solid financial case for a school district in Montana or Idaho and the state of Wyoming (In Wyoming the state reimburses each school district for their bus and fuel purchases, therefore the state of Wyoming owns the school buses. The Department of Education receives the financial benefits of the clean school buses, which will free up budget spending for other prority areas in the state.)

By combining funding sources, a single electric school bus can save approximately $380,000 over the lifetime of the vehicle. If a school district chooses to implement 2-4 electric, propane or CNG buses into their fleet, the savings really stack up. See the image below to visualize the lifetime cost savings of one clean school bus for electric, propane and CNG, respectively.

There are many ways to view the cost savings associated with clean school buses. Please view the document linked below for a Wyoming-focused analysis of clean school bus savings.

Wyoming Clean School Bus Financial Analysis

Current funding opportunities to support clean school bus adoption:

The Known Barriers

If there are so many benefits, why do we not see more clean school buses on the road in our region? Well, there are a few barriers and they differ by state and school district, but we (YTCC), in addition to others in the state, including the Wyoming Outdoor Council, have been working to understand and help alleviate some of these barriers. However, one of the greatest barriers is misinformation, and we all can work together to ensure the facts about clean school buses are communicated properly. Please view the “Clean School Bus Program for Wyoming Schools” document and the Frequently Asked Questions to understand the barriers and responses to the perceived barriers.

How You Can Help

Working towards more Clean School Buses in our region is unique in that every layer of the community can engage in some way. Some paths forward are below:

Parents: Write a letter to your school board and school superintendent requesting they deploy clean school buses. Make the letter personal and explain why clean school buses are important to you. Share the EPA’s clean school bus activity book with your children. SAMPLE LETTER TO SCHOOL BOARD.

Students: Send a letter to your school board and school superintendent requesting they deploy clean school buses. If you are a part of an environmental club, introduce the concept to your environmental club and send a letter to your school board and superintendent from the group. Also, request your school introduce the clean school bus activity book at appropriate grade levels.

Advocacy Organizations: Does your organization promote clean energy, climate, improved air quality, the well-being of children, and more? You can also send a letter to your local school board in addition to providing education at the state level, such as informing your elected officials at the state level about the value to our environment, health and finances.

Policymakers: Those at the state level can introduce legislation and support legislation as it promotes an easier transition to electric vehicles. As this legislation is introduced we’ll provide updates here.

School Districts Fleet or Business Manger: The EPA has developed a very short hand-out succinctly explaining the steps to follow when assessing your school bus fleet’s compatibility with electric school buses, this can be slightly modified for propane and CNG. Quick Guide to Electrifying Your School Bus Fleet.

(1) Understand route and energy needs

(2) Select preferred charging strategies

(3) Identify infrastructure requirements


Clean School Bus Program for Wyoming Schools

Cold weather impacts on electric school buses

Educational resources for students

Sample letter to school board (PDF)

Sample letter to school board (Word)

Havre, MT Cold Weather Rural School District Case Study

Wyoming Clean School Bus Financial Analysis

Celebrating 20 years of YTCC

Check out this beautiful video highlighting some of YTCC’s work over the past 20 years.

Congressman Simpson Honored with Clean Transportation Hero Award from YTCC

Idaho Falls, ID | April 17th, 2023 – Congressman Mike Simpson has been recognized for his outstanding contributions to clean transportation, economic and energy security by Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities, a non-profit organization that promotes alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, energy efficient mobility systems and energy security in the region. Simpson was presented with the Clean Transportation Hero award at his office in Idaho Falls on Thursday, April 13th by YTCC staff, board members and stakeholders.

Simpson, who has represented Idaho in Congress for 25 years, has been a longstanding leader for clean energy and clean transportation. He has served on the House Appropriations Committee for well over a decade and has been instrumental in bringing clean energy funding to Idaho. For many years, he was the leading Republican on the House Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds the U.S. Department of Energy – he served as Chairman from 2014-2018 and Ranking Member from 2019-2022. Currently, he is serving as Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Interior.

Simpson has played a major role in supporting funding for the Department of Energy resulting in support of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), a longstanding stakeholder of YTCC. INL’s work includes their motor coach fleet clean transportation research and demonstration projects, which now include the use of renewable diesel in their motorcoaches and one MCI full electric motorcoach. INL’s projects have been of significant benefit to the Greater Yellowstone region in terms of reducing emissions, improving air quality, and providing examples of alternative fuels successfully deployed in this cold weather climate region. 

Additionally, he has helped to increase funding for two critical clean transportation programs that are important to Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities: the EPA Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) grants, which replace and rehabilitate dirty diesel engines across the country, and the DOE Clean Cities Program, which enables the nation’s 75 Clean Cities Coalitions to help public and private sector fleets transition to clean fuels and vehicles, establish clean fueling infrastructure, and educate key local and state leaders and the public about the many benefits of clean fuels.

The City of Idaho Falls, another key YTCC stakeholder, is a leader in advancing alternative fuels and energy efficient mobility systems. Idaho Falls Power recently deployed an all-electric Ford Lightning F-150 in addition to their 4 other hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Last year the City of Idaho Falls also launched a micro transit system to serve the community, Greater Idaho Falls Transit (GIFT). Under GIFT director, Kade Marquez’s leadership, GIFT operates 3 plug-in hybrid vans for its services. In addition to deployments, on March 16th, the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho Falls Power, GIFT and YTCC hosted a community electric vehicle charging station engagement lunch. 

Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities Executive Director, Alicia Cox said, “Congressman Simpson has been a consistent advocate for energy secure clean transportation in our region and country, and we are pleased to recognize his outstanding contributions with this award. His leadership and support have been instrumental in advancing critical programs and projects that are making a real difference in reducing emissions, improving air quality, and providing energy security in this region and throughout the country. We are grateful for his partnership and look forward to continuing to work together to create a cleaner, more energy secure future for all.”

L-R: Tad Pearson, INL Transportation Services Manager and YTCC Board Member; Alicia Cox, YTCC Executive Director; Representative Mike Simpson; Basil Barna, YTCC Board Member; Bear Prairie, Idaho Falls Power General Manager; Kade Marquez, GIFT Transit Coordinator

Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities is the sole regional designee of the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities program. YTCC works to advance alternative fuels, vehicles and infrastructure, and sustainable transportation options to increase energy security and sustainability in the Greater Yellowstone region. For more information about Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities, visit their website at

Wyoming Updates NEVI and VW Funding Timeline

Wyoming DOT updated their timeline regarding NEVI and VW Funding. Note the in-person workshop scheduled for May 9th in Casper, WY will be moved to May 24th if any delay in this timeline occurs. If the workshop is delayed, deadlines are also delayed by two weeks.

As a reminder, the NEVI funding can only be used along the previously designated alternative fuel corridors. Year one funding of the NEVI program will only fund stations in the towns of Pine Bluffs, Laramie, Wheatland, Douglas, Buffalo, Sheridan, and Sundance.

The VW Funding is an excellent funding option for communities and businesses that are not located along the alternative fuel corridor. There is a total of $1.2 million available. The draft process to apply for these funds will be posted on April 1st as noted in the timeline below. Some high level priorities and program guidance for VW funds are outlined in Wyoming’s Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy:

  1. VW settlement funds will be open to off route recipients and include Level 2 and lower output Level 3 charging at multifamily dwellings and businesses more suited to local area travel.
  2. These funds will support up to 50% of the purchase and installation costs for this program.
  3. Funds will be awarded to qualified applicants on a first come, first served basis until all funds are exhausted. Applications from corridor funded areas will not be considered in this pool.

In addition to the VW Funding, the Community Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant program is also a great option for communities not along the alternative fuel corridors. This program is not yet open but the program website, linked above, is live.

Yesterday’s Wyoming Timeline Updates below:

Recently, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Standards and Requirements final rule. That release initiated actions for WYDOT and other state agencies to finalize the NEVI Funding Requests for Proposal (RFP) and the procedure for interested parties to apply for VW Settlement Funds.

While the NEVI final rules did answer some questions, it raised others. We continue to work with FHWA to clarify requirements and ensure the NEVI RFP is as comprehensive as possible. We are still waiting for some answers but feel we are far enough along to issue a predicted timeline for the next steps in the funding announcement process.

In addition, WYDOT continues to synchronize electric vehicle infrastructure support activities with other state agencies, which will require a longer RFP review process than normal. We will build that additional review time into RFP issuance and submittal schedules. This updated timeline is subject to change based upon FHWA responses and other State Agency review requirements.

Updated Timeline – Expected completion dates (NLT = no later than)

  1. Draft Cybersecurity requirement language received from the Wyoming Department of Enterprise Technology Service – March 3, 2023
  2. Final FHWA answers or clarification to NEVI final rule questions – March 7, 2023
  3. Draft RFP complete and submitted for State Agency Review – March 10, 2023
  4. RFP approved and posted for public review / comment – NLT April 1, 2023
  5. VW Settlement Fund Application Procedures posted – NLT April 1, 2023
  6. RFP questions due to WYDOT (RFP will provide additional information) – NLT April 21, 2023
  7. VW Settlement Application Procedures questions due to WYDOT – NLT April 21, 2023
  8. WYDOT response to RFP and VW Settlement application procedure questions – NLT April 28, 2023
  9. NEVI / VW Settlement Funding Workshop – May 9, Thyra Thomson State Office Building Casper, WY
    • Registration procedures and agenda will publish NLT April 10, 2023
  10. Final questions for NEVI RFP due to WYDOT NLT May 31, 2023
  11. WYDOT response to additional NEVI RFP questions NLT June 7, 2023
  12. RFP closes for proposals – on or about June 15, 2023
  13. VW Settlement Fund Application submissions activate on or about June 15, 2023

There is a possibility the timeline could be delayed during the RFP review process or by additional guidance we may receive from FHWA. In that case we have a secondary date for the Workshop arranged at the Thyra Thomson State Office Building on May 24, 2023. If we must delay the workshop, the final questions, RFP closing, and VW Settlement Funding Application opening dates will also be delayed by two weeks. We will publish an updated timeline.

If FHWA publishes guidance for discretionary grant programs prior to the workshop, we will cover those programs at that workshop. We will post any additional information on this site when it becomes available.

Clean Vehicle Tax Credit

There is a lot of information to sift through when considering the new electric and fuel cell vehicle tax credit. We hope this one pager will help highlight some of the key aspects and help you on your journey towards utilizing this tax credit for your electric vehicle purchase.

Visit to Billings, MT Renewable Natural Gas Facility

With a start-up date of December 2010 and at a cost of $10 million, this Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) plant has been in operation for more than 12 years. 

Celebrating 20 Years

YTCC has been celebrating our 20th year anniversary and we continue to do so through this Spring. We compiled a timeline of our work for a poster at our in-person events and would love to share with you all here!