Idle-Reduction Campaign

In 2010 the town of Jackson passed Resolution 10-19, which encourages citizens to limit unnecessary vehicle idling in public. Other local conservation groups, doctors, business owners, and citizens supported the resolution at numerous public meetings. Jackson now joins numerous cities, in almost every state, that have resolutions or binding ordinances that address unnecessary idling.

Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities (YTCC) is proud to support efforts by the Willie Neal Environmental Awareness Fund (WNEAF) and the Town of Jackson (TOJ) to adopt public idle-reduction programs. YTCC is canvassing the Town of Jackson to determine which private businesses would like to support the Idle-Reduction campaign. These businesses have the opportunity to post signs and offer brochures pertaining to the benefits of vehicle idle reduction.

We hope you join the effort! Please let us know if you would like to be a part of educating the community about the idle-reduction campaign. We will provide your business with signs, brochures, and the information necessary to successfully promote the program.
