Sustainability Series: Education, Awareness & Action
This month the Yellowstone Teton Clean Energy Coalition kicks off a series of Sustainability Workshops. Thanks to a grant from 1% for the Tetons, the Coalition will host monthly workshops focusing on different topics of sustainability. Partnering with Teton Co Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling and the Jackson Hole Energy Sustainability Project the Coalition is proud to offer different themes including alternative transportation fuels, composting and, energy efficiency. Workshops will cover the basics of each topic highlight local efforts, and provide citizens the tools to act on these ideas.
The first topic hosted by the Coalition will feature Idaho National Laboratory’s electric vehicle expert Matt Shirk who will present about the latest technologies for electric cars. Then in November, Teton Co Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling will host the topic of Recycling in conjunction with America Recycles day. The series will take a break for December and return in January with the topic of energy efficiency put on by the Jackson Hole Energy Sustainability projects. Future topics include composting, compressed natural gas, and green driving in the Tetons. The series hopes to draw a local crowd of all ages by providing resources for anyone and everyone interested in learning how they can incorporate sustainability into their everyday life. In addition to presentations, the workshop will be an opportunity for community members to come together over and share ideas of sustainability. There will be opportunity to win free energy audits and earn a complimentary lunch at Eco Fair in May by attending every month.
From now until April, join the Coalition on the third Thursday of each month at the Home Ranch Exhibit Hall located on the corner of Cache and Gill St. The workshops will begin at 6:00 p.m. Be sure not to miss the complimentary recycling of old cell phones, batteries and bear spray available at each session!
Yellowstone-Teton Clean Energy Coalition’s (YTCEC) mission is to displace the use of petroleum in the regional transportation sector, improve air quality through reduced harmful exhaust emissions, and increase energy security and sustainability. This is accomplished primarily through the promotion of alternative fuels and vehicles, integrated transportation systems, and conservation strategies and technologies that benefit the public interest by reducing energy consumption, particularly of petroleum based fuels.
Next up: Recycling, November 15th 6:00 p.m.