Entries by Christy Lewis

Station Openings and Events Galore!

Last week was a big week for Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities. It started off with the long-awaited grand opening of a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Jackson, WY.  Energy Conservation Works, one of our Jackson non-profit partners did a great job getting the station installed and planning an awesome opening! Below some of the speakers, […]

Question of the Month: State and Local Incentives

Question of the Month: What are state and local governments doing to incentivize alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs)?   Answer: There are many notable incentive activities at the state and local levels. Many states offer incentives for alternative fuels that advance specific environmental and energy security goals, while cities provide even more localized […]

Brett Dennen highlighting YTCC

Last Friday afternoon we got a little treat when Alicia and I headed out to Teton Village to hop on a START Bus and get a free concert from Brett Dennen. Brett is on a tour through ski towns in the west, and at each stop he is choosing an environmental non-profit to highlight. During […]

Question of the Month

Question of the Month: How is fuel economy determined and reported for alternative fuel vehicles?   Answer: Last month we learned about how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determines and reports conventional light-duty vehicle fuel economy ratings. While alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) fuel economy testing is largely similar to that of conventional fuels, the […]

Why are there so many Tesla stations at the Jackson Whole Grocer?

Ever since the installation of the Tesla Superchargers at Jackson Whole Grocer, we have had many questions as to why there are 8 of them.  For a community where only a couple dozen electric vehicles are owned, 8 seems to be a bit excessive at first glance.  But as with everything, Tesla has a pretty […]

Medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency

Question of the Month: What are the current and future medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions standards?  Answer:  According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (collectively, HDVs) are expected to surpass light-duty vehicle […]

Teton Raptor Center Discourages Idling

Each year, cars, trucks, and heavy-duty vehicles in the US waste an enormous amount of fuel running their engines while their vehicles are stationary. Also known as idling, this act effectively reduces vehicle fuel efficiency to 0 mpg and nationwide, wastes 6 billion gallons of gasoline equivalent annually (Alternative Fuels Data Center). That’s enough gas […]

EVSE Rebate Program Launched

Join Clean Cities to Help the Yellowstone-Teton Region Plug-In                          Local non-profit offering $5,000 rebates for electric vehicle charging stations Contact: Alicia Cox Executive Director Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities 810.955.5811 · alicia@ytcleanenergy.org   Jackson, Wyoming | January 13, 2016 – Local businesses now have a unique financial opportunity to help develop the necessary infrastructure to electrify our […]

Renewable Natural Gas: Repurposing Waste to Fuel Vehicles

What is renewable natural gas and how can it be used to fuel vehicles? Renewable natural gas (RNG) is pipeline-quality natural gas made by collecting and purifying biogas, the methane produced from decomposing organic matter. Biogas can be collected from sources such as landfills, livestock operations, wastewater treatment plants, food manufacturing and wholesalers, supermarkets, restaurants, and […]

Winter Fuel Economy Tips

Six Tips to Cut Fuel Costs and Unnecessary Idling When Winter Hits How can I improve my gas mileage while driving this winter? Whether taking that long-awaited ski trip or just commuting to work in the frigid weather, there are several things you can do to improve your fuel economy and save money in the […]