The Electric Vehicle Accelerator Partner Program is designed to support Greater Yellowstone organizations in their efforts to (1) electrify their vehicles, (2) to provide opportunities for employees to drive electric, and (3) offer vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reducing commuting options. Electric vehicles and reduce GHG emissions by as much as 90% and have zero tailpipe emissions. If you have sustainability or climate related plans for your organization, this is a great program to help achieve your goals. You can watch the recording of the program launch webinar on our YouTube channel.
- To be a part of a regional community working to advance electric vehicles in the Greater Yellowstone Region.
- Provide vehicle and commuter benefits to current and future employees.
- Contribute to local, regional and federal greenhouse gas emission reductions goals.
- Help drive mobility culture shift
- Improve quality of life
- Reduce congestion
- Peer-to-peer learning and teaching
- Be poised to apply for and receive funding for infrastructure and vehicles
- Businesses
- Government entities-local, state, federal
- Utilities
- Individuals can encourage their employers to join the program.