Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Submit State NEVI Plans

Idaho, Montana and Wyoming each submitted their respective state National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program (NEVI) state plan prior to the August 1st deadline. This is wonderful news and the first step towards unlocking the formula funds for each state through the NEVI program. Over the course of the last 6 months YTCC has offered webinars and communicated via this newsletter and social media the various ways to engage with each state agency to ensure your voice was heard during the planning process. This was through communicating each state’s outreach events, webinars, in-person meetings, public comments periods, surveys and draf plan postings. We want to thank each of you who attended and provided your input and insight towards these plans. We also want to extend a huge amount of gratitude toward the state staff who spent countless hours preparing the plans, pouring over the guidance and reviewing all the feedback they received.
At this point, the federal government has until September 30th to approve the plans. Upon approval, each state has access to their NEVI formula funding and can open Request for Proposals (RFP). A caveat to this timeline is that the proposed minimum standards are currently open for public comment until August 22nd. When these standards are approved as final rule, they are a regulation of which NEVI funded projects must adhere. Therefore, states’ cannot offer an accurate RFP until this rule making has occurred. With public comment open until August 22nd, this would only allow the federal staff a little over a month to review comments and establish the minimum standards to meet the September 30th timeline. In reality, this time frame will be a little further out, but hopefully the minimum standards won’t be released too much after the September 30th deadline for state plan approval.
Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities encourages you to make public comment on the proposed minimum standards, these standards include distance between stations, distance from highway, data collection, interoperability and more. Our voices from a rural region are important for those setting the minimum standards to hear and consider.
Please find state plans and or state resources below: